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In this guide, we'll learn how to send your custom logs to Dassana. Currently, Dassana can ingest the following log formats: nd-json, json object, and csv. We've also included instructions for configuring log aggregators such as Fluentd and Vector to stream your logs to Dassana.

Log Types


curl \
-H 'Content-type: application/x-ndjson' \
-H 'x-dassana-app-id: YOUR_SOURCE_ID' \
-H 'x-dassana-token: YOUR_DASSANA_TOKEN' \
--data-binary '{"foo": "bar"}
{"bar": "baz"}
{"baz": "qux"}'

More info on the nd-json format can be found here.

Additional Headers

To send gzipped data, add the following headers:

Content-Encoding: gzip
Accept-Encoding: gzip

"Records": [...]

If your events are encapsulated in an object (as seen above), add a x-dassana-data-key: Records header so that the array of events can be processed accordingly.


There are two CSV data types we support: data with headers and without. For example:


The above data contains headers on the first line. If your CSV data is of this type, ingest the data as follows:

curl \
-H 'Content-type: text/csv' \
-H 'x-dassana-app-id: YOUR_SOURCE_ID' \
-H 'x-dassana-token: YOUR_DASSANA_TOKEN' \
--data-binary @foo.csv

If your data does not contain headers, for example:


Explicity include the headers in the csvHeader parameter to ingest as follows:

curl,duration,SrcDevice,DstDevice,Protocol,SrcPort,DstPort,SrcPackets,DstPackets,SrcBytes,SrcBytes \
-H 'Content-type: text/csv' \
-H 'x-dassana-app-id: YOUR_SOURCE_ID' \
-H 'x-dassana-token: YOUR_DASSANA_TOKEN' \
--data-binary @foo.csv

To send gzipped data, add the following headers:

Content-Encoding: gzip
Accept-Encoding: gzip

json object

curl \
-H 'Content-type: application/json' \
-H 'x-dassana-app-id: YOUR_SOURCE_ID' \
-H 'x-dassana-token: YOUR_DASSANA_TOKEN' \
--data-binary '{ "foo": "bar" }'

JSON arrays and gzip encoding are not supported for Content-type: application/json. If you want to send json arrays then use the nd-json header.



In this section, we'll configure Fluentd to stream logs to Dassana.

  1. Locate your configuration file:
  • The default (td-agent) config file path is /etc/td-agent/td-agent.conf
  • For calyptia-fluentd the default config file path is /etc/calyptia-fluentd/calyptia-fluentd.conf
  • If you installed via Ruby Gem, create the configuration file as follows
    sudo fluentd --setup /etc/fluent
    sudo vi /etc/fluent/fluent.conf
  • For a docker container the default config file path is /fluentd/etc/fluent.conf
  1. Edit your source in the configuration file as follows.

Add the following keys to your source

time_key time # This must match the name of the time key extracted in Dassana's app setup
time_format %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S # This must match the time format selected in Dassana's app setup
  1. Add the following output with your Dassana token and App Id to your configuration file. Ensure the match pattern equals the tag you set in the source.
<match your_input>
@type http endpoint headers
{"x-dassana-app-id":"YOUR_SOURCE_ID", "x-dassana-token":"YOUR_TOKEN",
"Content-type":"application/x-ndjson"} bulk_request true
@type memory chunk_limit_size 5MB flush_interval 1s retry_max_times 5
retry_type periodic retry_wait 2

Alternatively, if you are ingesting csv logs, include the following output. If your data does not include headers, set the withHeader parameter in the endpoint to be false, and add a csvHeader parameter to equal your headers as comma-seperated values. You can find an example of this in the CSV ingestion section above.

<match your_input>
@type http endpoint
headers {"x-dassana-app-id":"YOUR_SOURCE_ID", "x-dassana-token":"YOUR_TOKEN",
@type memory chunk_limit_size 5MB flush_interval 1s retry_max_times 5
retry_type periodic retry_wait 2
  1. Restart or start Fluentd after editing the configuration file. Ex:
sudo systemctl restart td-agent


In this section, we'll configure Vector to stream logs to Dassana.

  1. Edit your vector.toml config file to include the following sink if you are ingesting json logs
#####             #####
## Your source here ##
##### #####

type = "http"
inputs = [ "YOUR_SOURCE_NAME" ]
uri = ""
compression = "gzip"
encoding.codec = "ndjson"
batch.max_bytes = 100000
Content-type = "application/x-ndjson"
Content-Encoding = "gzip"
x-dassana-app-id = "YOUR_SOURCE_ID"
x-dassana-token = "YOUR_DASSANA_TOKEN"

Alternatively, if you are ingesting csv logs, include the following sink. If your data does not include headers, set the withHeader parameter in the endpoint to be false, and add a csvHeader parameter to equal your headers as comma-seperated values. You can find an example of this in the CSV ingestion section above.

#####             #####
## Your source here ##
##### #####

type = "http"
inputs = [ "YOUR_SOURCE_NAME" ]
uri = ""
compression = "gzip"
encoding.codec = "text"
batch.max_bytes = 100000
Content-type = "text/csv"
Content-Encoding = "gzip"
x-dassana-app-id = "YOUR_SOURCE_ID"
x-dassana-token = "YOUR_DASSANA_TOKEN"
  1. Restart Vector after editing the configuration file. Ex:
sudo systemctl start vector