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FrequencyInterval at which detection query needs to be executed. Value must be in between 5-60 minutes. A frequency of 10 minutes means that the detection is run every 10 minutes over the last 10 minutes of data.
Rolling WindowThis is an advanced setting of frequency. If enabled the detection is run every 5 minutes over the time range defined in frequency. Say for example, you have a frequency of 30 minutes. By default (rolling window disabled) your detection will run at 12pm, 12:30pm, 1pm, 1:30pm, etc (ie every 30 minutes over the last 30 minutes of data). However, what if you want to run your detection every 5 minutes over the last 30 minutes of data? This where is rolling window comes into play.
ThresholdThe condition defined here is applied on the query result count (ie the number of rows). The following operators are supported for condition matching: >, <, =, !=. A severity (critical, high, medium, low, info) also needs to be assigned for the threshold condition.
ThrottleThis setting silences the rule if the rule condition matches within y time. For example, assume that you have a frequency of 5 minutes. This means that Dassana runs your detection every minutes. However, what if you only want 1 notification per 30 minutes even if the detection is triggered multiple times in that 30 minute time span? This is where throttling comes in handy.
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