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SLQ (/slick/; Structured Log Query) is a SQL like language to query hierarchically structured records (documents). We only support the SELECT operation as data insertion is managed by Sources.


Since we support Arrays which is universally represented by [], we use {} (instead of []) for metasymbols in our grammar to represent logical blocks. {}? represents an optional element and { | } represents the a logical OR between sub-elements.

: WITH cte {, cte}*
{ select_query | set_operation }

: alias AS ( query )

( query )
{ { UNION { ALL | DISTINCT } | INTERSECT | EXCEPT } ( query ) }*

SELECT { * | {DISTINCT}? expr {AS}? alias }
FROM { schema_expr | join_expr }
{ WHERE predicate_expr }?
{ GROUP BY expr {, expr}* }?
{ HAVING expr }?
{ ORDER BY expr {, expr}* }?
{ LIMIT integer }?

: source_id
| multi_schema_exp
| ( query ) {AS}? alias

: { ALL | * }
| [ source_id {, source_id}+ ]

{ {INNER}? JOIN schema_expr | { FULL | LEFT | RIGHT } {OUTER}? JOIN schema_expr } { USING field_expr | ON predicate_expr }

: literal | array | tuple
| field_reference
| function_expr
| meta_references
| ( query )
| ( expr {, expr}* )
| { + | - } expr
| expr { + | - | * | / | % } expr
| expr || expr
| NOT expr
| expr { AND | OR } expr
| ( expr )

string | boolean | integer | decimal

array[literal {, literal}*]

(literal {, literal}*)


{ identifier | "string" }{array_index}?

string: [a-zA-Z0-9_]+


function_name({ * | {{DISTINCT}? function_arg {, function_arg}? }})

: literal
| field_reference
| function
| $

: expr { = | { != | <> } | < | <= | > | => } expr
| expr BETWEEN expr AND expr
| expr IN (expr {, expr}*)
| expr IN (query)
| expr { LIKE | ILIKE } like_pattern
| expr MATCHES regex_pattern
| expr IS NOT NULL
| array_predicates
| doc_predicates
| expr { AND | OR } expr
| NOT expr
| ( expr )

: ARRAY field_reference { = | { != | <> } } array
| ARRAY field_reference CONTAINS { ANY | ALL | NONE } { = | { != | <> } | < | <= | > | => } expr
| ARRAY field_reference CONTAINS { ANY | ALL | NONE } ( predicate_expr )

: { DOC | $ } CONTAINS string
| { DOC | $ } CONTAINS (string {, string}*)
| { DOC | $ } { LIKE | ILIKE } like_pattern


  1. operands utilizing field_reference does not pre-validate data type, therefore it is possible that an operation may fail at execution time due to mismatched data type between the operands causing a query failure.
  2. IS NOT NULL only allows field_reference
  3. All queries have a limit of 100 documents.
  4. All sub-queries (excpet ARRAY CONTAINS ()) has a limit of 1M documents.


Schema is table reference in Dassana. It can either be an actual reference to the source (by source_id) or a virtual reference to an alias.

Multi-Schema Support

SLQ unlike regular SQL allows searching multiple schemas as the same time. This is done by either using the ALL keyword (shorthand: *) reference or by providing an array of source_id.

select * from all

select * from *

select * from [ aws_cloudtrail, aws_vpc_flow, _custom_source ]


  1. Only Meta References and Normalized Fields are allowed. Normalized fields restrictions apply as usual.
  2. Functions only allows Meta References or Literals as args. Regular fields are not allowed.


SLQ supports the String, Integer, Boolean and Decimal literal data types along with Arrays. Literals can also be used in Tuples for IN predicate.

Note: All elements in an Array must be of same type.


Identifiers are simple alphanumeric strings which are used as for most of the reference names.

source_id and alias use identifier pattern.

Pattern: [a-zA-Z0-9_]+


The list of available functions is available here.

Meta References

Schema Reference

$schema and $source are references to the meta-column for the document's schema/source_id. It is useful for multi-schema queries.


select $schema, count() from * group by $schema order by count_1 desc
select $schema from [aws_cloudtrail, aws_vpc_flow] where $ip = '' order by $schema

Time Reference

$time is a reference to the meta-column for timestamp associated with the document. The value depends on the source configuration and can either be the time the document was received by Dassana or extracted from within the document as per the configuration. It is useful when the document itself doesn't have a timestamp and queries requires an access to the time.


select to_month(to_date(divide($time, 1000))) as month, count() from netflow1 x group by month

Document Reference

$ is a reference to the meta-column for the JSON raw document as string. It is only allowed in JSON functions. Additionally there are Document Predicates which allow free-text like searches on the entire document.


select * from * where $ contains 'search-me'
select json_query($, '$') from _custom_source

Field Reference

Field references are similar to column references and are used to reference fields in the document. Hierarchical fields are separated by period (.), which is the commonly used separator for nested elements.

Field references can be used almost anywhere an expression expr is allowed.


SQL difference: Table references are seperated by a colon ':' instead of period '.' to allow the SLQ parser to distinguish it from hierarchical separator.

select eventSource from aws_cloudtrail

select ct:eventSource from aws_cloudtrail as ct

References to JSON Objects are not allowed, only terminal primitive type or array is allowed. Also, fields nested withing Array of Objects cannot be selected, but can be predicated upon using ARRAY predicates.

select some_array[1] from _custom_source

Currently array_index is only supported for the last field_part.

Document Predicates

Document predicate allows free-text like searches on the raw document content.


CONTAINS predicate returns documents which contains any of the input strings. The search strings must be minimum 3 characters long.

Full Syntax: DOC CONTAINS ANY ('string', 'string')

$ can be used as a shorthand for DOC and ANY is optional.


select * from aws_cloudtrail where DOC CONTAINS 'abc'

select * from aws_cloudtrail where $ contains 'abc'

select * from aws_cloudtrail where $ contains ('abc', 'xyz')


LIKE (ILIKE for case-insensitive) predicate allows like patten matching search on the raw document content. The pattern must have minimum of 3 non-wildcard characters.

Full Syntax: DOC [I]LIKE '%patten%'

$ can be used as a shorthand for DOC. ILIKE for case-insentitive search.


select * from aws_cloudtrail where DOC LIKE '%ABC?xyz%'

select * from aws_cloudtrail where $ like '%ABC?xyz%'

select * from aws_cloudtrail where $ ilike '%abc?xyz%'

Array Predicates

Array predicates allows searching documents based on the contents of one of the arrays.

Array Equality

Equality test for arrays.

This predicate can only be used for a terminal fields whose value is of type Array.

Document: { "path": { "to": { "array": [ "a", "b", "c" ] } } }

select * from aws_cloudtrail where ARRAY = [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ] -- TRUE

select * from aws_cloudtrail where ARRAY != [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ] -- FALSE

select * from aws_cloudtrail where ARRAY = [ 'b', 'c' ] -- FALSE

Array Contains Value

Using this predicate elements of an Array can be tested individually against and operator and value operand. The predicate also allows for testing if any, all or none of the elements match the condition.

This predicate can only be used for a terminal fields whose value is of type Array.

Full Syntax:

ARRAY field_expr CONTAINS quantifier operator value

quantifier: { ANY | ALL | NONE }
operator: { = | { != | <> } | < | <= | > | => }
Document: { "my": { "a1": [ "a", "b", "c" ], "a2": [ "y", "y" ], "a3": [ 1, 2 ] } }

select * from aws_cloudtrail where ARRAY my.a1 CONTAINS ANY = 'a' -- TRUE
select * from aws_cloudtrail where ARRAY my.a1 CONTAINS ALL = 'a' -- FALSE
select * from aws_cloudtrail where ARRAY my.a1 CONTAINS NONE = 'z' -- TRUE
select * from aws_cloudtrail where ARRAY my.a1 CONTAINS ANY = 'z' -- FALSE

select * from aws_cloudtrail where ARRAY my.a2 CONTAINS ANY = 'y' -- TRUE
select * from aws_cloudtrail where ARRAY my.a2 CONTAINS ALL = 'y' -- TRUE
select * from aws_cloudtrail where ARRAY my.a2 CONTAINS NONE = 'y' -- FALSE

select * from aws_cloudtrail where ARRAY my.a3 CONTAINS ANY < 2 -- TRUE
select * from aws_cloudtrail where ARRAY my.a3 CONTAINS ALL < 2 -- FALSE
select * from aws_cloudtrail where ARRAY my.a3 CONTAINS ALL <= 2 -- TRUE

Array sub-query

Using this predicate object elements of an Array can be tested individually against a subquery which allows for predicates restricted to object child elements. The predicate also allows for testing if any, all or none of the elements match the condition.

This predicate can only be used for a non-terminal fields whose value is of type Array and have elements of type Object.

predicate_expr subquery supports all predicates expressions except for doc_predicates.

Full Syntax:

ARRAY field_expr CONTAINS quantifier ( predicate_expr )

quantifier: { ANY | ALL | NONE }
operator: { = | { != | <> } | < | <= | > | => }
Document: { "arr": [ { "c1": "a", "c2": 1 }, { "c1": "b", "c2": 2 }, { "c1": "a", "c2": 3 } ] }

select * from aws_cloudtrail where ARRAY arr CONTAINS ANY ( c1 = 'a' AND c2 = 1 ) -- TRUE
select * from aws_cloudtrail where ARRAY arr CONTAINS ANY ( c1 = 'a' AND c2 = 2 ) -- FALSE
select * from aws_cloudtrail where ARRAY arr CONTAINS ANY ( c1 = 'a' AND c2 IN (1, 3) ) -- TRUE

select * from aws_cloudtrail where ARRAY arr CONTAINS ANY ( c1 = 'b' AND c2 = 2 ) -- TRUE
select * from aws_cloudtrail where ARRAY arr CONTAINS ANY ( c1 = 'b' AND c2 IN (1, 3) ) -- FALSE
select * from aws_cloudtrail where ARRAY arr CONTAINS ANY ( c1 = 'b' AND c2 IN (1, 2, 3) ) -- TRUE

select * from aws_cloudtrail where ARRAY arr CONTAINS ALL ( c2 <= 3 ) -- TRUE
select * from aws_cloudtrail where ARRAY arr CONTAINS ALL ( c1 = 'a' ) -- FALSE

select * from aws_cloudtrail where ARRAY arr CONTAINS NONE ( c2 < 1 ) -- TRUE
select * from aws_cloudtrail where ARRAY arr CONTAINS NONE ( c2 = 1 ) -- FALSE