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Creating Charts

You can get started with your own custom dashboard in minutes!


Please ensure you have completed the setup.

  1. On the left hand sidebar, click on + -> Dashboard
  2. Click on Add a panel

Example 1: Gauge

  1. Once you have created a new panel, change the visualization type using the dropdown on the top right to Gauge.
  2. On the bottom of your screen, update the code editor to use the following query:
select count(*) from aws_cloudtrail
  1. You can customize your chart (title, axis, other settings) by using the panel on the right hand side.

Example 2: Bar Chart

  1. Once you have created a new panel, change the visualization type using the dropdown on the top right to Bar chart.
  2. On the bottom of your screen, update the code editor to use the following query:
select count(*) as count, errorCode from aws_cloudtrail
where errorCode != ''
group by errorCode
order by count desc limit 6
  1. You can customize your chart (title, axis, other settings) by using the panel on the right hand side.